The effectiveness of the Flipped Learning Mechanism in developing Achievement Motivation and Raising the Level of Academic Achievement in the Subject of the Holy Qur’an among the Students of the Fourth Grade of Primary School who are lagging behind in school.

Faculty disability sciences and rehabilitation Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : , effectiveness , , Flipped Learning Mechanism , developing Achievement    
Introduction to the study: The problem of academic delay is a common educational problem in the educational community, where teachers and parents suffer from it, and it constitutes a heavy burden on society and the school in particular. Motivation, so students begin to drop out, frequent absences, and belonging to deviant groups through which they achieve their needs that they were unable to achieve in the field of school, such as their needs for self-affirmation. Therefore, we find interest by educational researchers in those who are late in studies and the nature of their personality, because the success of the educational process is closely linked to the personality of the learner and the extent of his readiness and acceptance. To receive information, therefore, it was necessary to early identify the characteristics of latecomers, because this helps in providing appropriate treatment in a timely manner, especially in the primary stage, which is considered the cornerstone. From here, we see that the Azharite primary stage is the cornerstone in building the Azharite student, given the rapid and innovative changes in technology. Education necessitates all workers in the educational field to consider some of the practices The current educational process, which we believe has become fixed and indispensable for some, and therefore it is natural that there should be an evolution in teaching strategies in line with the successive developments in the field of education to restore the established view of the educational process, which is represented in stability and stability on one style of teaching and the possibility of replacing it with renewed and diverse educational practices that are in line with With the new developments in educational technology in the modern era. Where the study of Akram Ali 2015 AD confirmed that the learning outcomes, the level of information preparation, and the acceptance of supportive technology innovations for people with special needs, and the semi-experimental approach was used in it, he used the inverted course on one group and the integration course on another group. There are differences in favor of the group on which the inverted course was applied. Flipped education is distinguished by being one of the areas capable of constantly changing to meet the needs of students with an attempt to constantly change the learning habits of students with the help of new technologies. Direct education from the group place to the individual place by watching the educational videos alone and then transferring them to the collective place resulting in a dynamic learning environment in which students apply what they have learned.. The study of Noura Al-Thuwaikh 2015 referred to measuring the impact of the flipped learning strategy on the growth of self-learning skills in different courses. The results showed the growth of self-learning skills among the experimental group and overcoming the problem of individual differences among students. By looking at these studies, we find that the use of flipped education contributes to raising motivation, which is the most important motive that directs students' behavior towards success, excellence, and achievement. We thus create a suitable atmosphere for the completion of the learning process for students. The study problem The problem of the study stemmed from the researcher 's work in Al-Azhar institutes, where she found a large number of students suffering from difficulty in recitation, understanding and memorizing verses in the Holy Qur'an course, and they appear to be isolated, low in their academic achievement, and avoid the educational situation as a whole. 1. The researcher also noticed that learning by memorization and indoctrination makes them feel bored and requires a lot of time and effort . 2. Previous studies, the results of which indicated the effectiveness of flipped learning in improving the level of motivation and the level of academic achievement, such as the study of Al-Anshasi 2004 AD, the study of Al-Rufou’ 2014 AD, and the study of Noura Al-Thuwaikh 2015 AD. And from here she came an idea the study current with a goal to lift motivation achievement And development level achievement scholastic in material The Quran Generous for the late Academically . The main question of the study can be formulated as follows: What is the effectiveness of flipped learning in raising the level of achievement motivation and developing the level of academic achievement among the latecomers in the fourth grade of primary school, Al-Azhar?. The following questions branch out from the main question: 1. Are the scores of the experimental group and the control group different in the post-measurement on the achievement motivation scale? 2. Are there any differences between the experimental group and the control group in the post-measurement on the academic achieve-ment test in the subject of the Holy Quran? 3. Are there differences between the mean scores of the experiment-tal group students before and after applying the program in achievement motivation? 4. Are there differences between the mean scores of the students in the experimental group before and after applying the program in the collection of the Holy Quran subject? 5. Are there differences between the mean scores of the students in the experimental group in the follow-up measurement of the program in the level of achievement motivation? 6. Are there differences between the mean scores of the students of the experimental group in the follow-up measurement of the program in the level of academic achievement of the subject of the Holy Quran? Research Aims : 1- Raising the level of achievement motivation and developing the level of academic achievement in the subject of the Holy Qur’an for those who are late in studies through a program based on the use of flipped education. 2- Ensuring the continuity of the effectiveness of the program during the follow-up period. Research importance: This study derives its importance from: 1- Mixing traditional teaching methods with active learning strategies, which some thought impossible. 2- The use of modern strategies with latecomers, such as the flipped learning strategy. 3- Work on the aspect of achievement and achievement, which is one of the most important aspects in advancing the educational level of the latecomers in the academic semester A. 4- Guiding students in the primary school stage to use the techniques and means of communication in a beneficial way. Search parameters: Methodological limitations 1. The method used : the experimental method to measure the effect of flipped learning 2. B_ The study sample : 20 students from the fourth grade of primary school, Al-Azhar 3. The study tools include: Achievement motivation scale - An achievement test in the Holy Quran prepared by the researcher - Stafford Binneh scale. 4. The researcher will follow the appropriate statistical methods according to the sample. 5. Time limits : The program and tools will be implemented during the year 2022 AD 6. Spatial determinants : Al-Qurain Primary Al-Azhari Institute - Abu Hammad Center - Al-Qurain City Statistical methods : - Statistical limits The significance level was set at (0.05). - Wilcoxon test to calculate the significance of differences between ranks Results : The results of the current study revealed the effectiveness of flipped learning in raising achievement motivation and developing the level of academic achievement for the latecomers in the fourth grade of primary school, Al-Azhari.

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