عوامل الخطورة وجوده الحياه للسيدات التي تم تشخيصهن بالعدوي المهبليه

Faculty Nursing Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : عوامل الخطورة وجوده الحياه للسيدات التي    
Summary Vaginal Infections are a global health problem for women at reproductive age. These infections threat the women’s health and have negative impacts on their quality of life QOL.Because of the personal nature of vaginal infections, they are often avoided. Despite the fact that the symptoms have a severe influence on the quality of life for the women who encounter them, vaginal infections have historically been a relatively underexplored subject and may have been seen as a minor problem ( Abdelnaem, 2019). This study aimed to Assess the risk factors and quality of life among women diagnosed with vaginal infections in zagazig university hospital. A cross sectional study design was used in the present study. The study was conducted in the obstetrics and gynecology building at Zagazig University Hospitals, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt during the period between August 2020 and January 2021. A convenient sample of 115women infected with vaginal infection. Arabic structured interviewing questionnaire: Will be used that will be developed by the researcher based on relevant literature, aim of the study and the data needed to be collected. It was divided into two parts. Part (I): It will be used to assess socio-demographic characteristic. Such as age, occupation, level of education, marital status, body mass index, menstrual history, contraceptive history, obstetrical history, life style and culture habits. Part (II): Such as contraceptive methods, culture habits, medical condition, douching, multiple sexual partners, medications use (antibiotic, steroid), pregnancy history of vaginal infection, life style, culture habits and menstruation. Part (III): It will be used to assess vaginal infection characteristics such as odor of Infection, color, consistency, time of vaginal discharges frequency, behavior, treatment and symptoms of vaginal discharges. 2-Tool 2 The second tool: quality of life measuring scale Quality of life (SF-36): It contains 36 questions, including (34) Questions divided into eight domains: physical functioning, role limitation due to physical problem, role limitation due to emotional problem, energy/fatigue, emotional wellbeing, social functioning, body pain and general health. The HRQOL scores are calculated according to an algorithm 36 that considers the number of answered questions in each of the domains and standardizes the scores of all domains from zero to 100, with zero being the worst possible health condition and 100 being the best health condition. The algorithm inverts the score values for questions to calculate the final score. The main results of the present study: • The age ranged between 21 and 44 years, and the highest percentage of women (91, 3%) were 21 years old with a mean±SD of 26.25 ± 4.0. As regards the educational level , more than two fifth (42,6%)of women post graduated ,as well as nearly one quarter (21,7%)had basic (primary –preparatory )level of education .The same table also shows two third (67%)of women were housewives ,and also the most women were married and had sufficient income (81,7% and 81,7%respectively ). • The highest percentage of studied women four fifth (80, 9%) had previous vaginal infection, however two fifth (41.7%) had endocrine disease, and also only (1, 7%) had immune disease [Systemic sclerosis & Rheumatoid arthritis]. • Pertaining the risk factors for vaginal infection, the vaginal douching is the main risk factor, (92,2)% studied women were using vaginal douching, followed by previous vaginal infection(80,9%). While four fifth (83.5%) of studied women had used recent antibiotic. Meanwhile nearly one third of studied women had oral contraceptive methods and had used intra uterine devices (Iud) (32,1% and 33% respectively ). As well as only (, 9%) had sexually transmitted diseases. • The majority of studied women (93, 9%) had menarche in (11-13) years old with a mean ± SD (12.85 ±0.6), however more than three quarter (77, 4%) had regular menstruation every 21days, and also most of them (97, 4%) had menstrual pain. • This study defines that nearly two third of these women had (1-2) gravida. As for parity three quarter of the sample had (1-2) Para followed by (19,1%)had abortion ,meanwhile nearly two third delivered by Cesarean section • This study shows that two third of studied women had favorite carbohydrate in their diet. And also more than three quarter drink caffeine followed by two fifth of studied women were passive smokers. • The study findings reveal that most of studied women had non-offensive vaginal discharges, as well as four fifth had white color of vaginal discharges and thick white consistency of vaginal discharges respectively, however more than half of them had heavy amount of vaginal discharges, and more than three quarter of studied women had discharges after 8-12 days of menstruation. • This study presents that the majority of studied women had dysuria and burning sensation respectively, as well as most of studied women had vaginal soreness and dyspareunia (respectively). And (70%) of studied women had Itching/pruritus in genital area. However the majority of studied women hadn’t take treatment for vaginal discharges and for any illness respectively. Meanwhile four fifth of studied women were sexually active and vaginal discharges bothering them and affect sexual relation. • This study shows that the infected women with vaginal infection were most likely to have effect on emotional well-being and role limitation due to physical problem with a mean ± SD (62.1±11.5 and 59.3±16.8 respectively).As well as mean of Physical functioning (pf) for these studied women (51.7±17.4). • This study demonstrates that there was statistically significant relation between the women occupation and social functioning at (p=0.012). • This study indicates that there was statistically significant relation between role limitation due to emotional problem and their menarche age at (p=.039).And there was statistically significant relation between their regularity of menstruation and energy /fatigue and their emotional wellbeing at (p=.028and at p=.023 respectively). • This study demonstrates that there was statistically significant relation between role limitation due to physical problem quality of life related to vaginal infection and their contraceptive methods at (p=.020). As well as there was statistically significant relation between energy /fatigue and their gravida and their parity at (at p=.006 and p=.038 respectively). • This study clarifies that there was statistically significant relation between their bleeding between periods and physical functioning at (p=.045). In addition to there was statistically significant relation between their dyspareunia and general heath at (p=.047). • This study shows that there was non-significant (negative) correlation between their marital status (married) and physical functioning and their social functioning among studied women (at p=-.325 and p=-.186 respectively). On the other hand there was statistically significant positive correlation between level of education (high education) and energy /fatigue and social functioning (at p= .253and p=.204 respectively). • This study demonstrates that there was non-significant (negative) correlation between their duration of menstruation (days) [6-12 days] and role limitation due to physical health at (p=-.191). On the other hand there was statistically significant positive correlation between length of menstrual cycle ( Every 21 days) and role limitation due to emotional health and energy/fatigue and emotional wellbeing (at p=.197 and p=.283 and p=.195 respectively).In addition to there was statistically significant positive correlation between no menstrual pain and general health (at p=. 216). • This study reveals that there was statistically significant positive correlation between role limitation due to physical problem and not using contraceptive method at (at p=. 211). On the other hand there was non-significant (negative) correlation between energy/fatigue and their gravida and parity at (p=-.245 and p=-.256 respectively) .In addition to there was non-significant (negative) correlation between number of abortion and their physical functioning at (p=-.450) among studied women. • This study reveals that there was statistically significant positive correlation between social functioning and free from any diseases at (at p=. 075). On the other hand there was non-significant (negative) correlation between energy/fatigue and the history of previous vaginal infection at (p=-.273). As well as there was non-significant (negative) correlation between use Broad spectrum antibiotics a lot and social functioning at (p=-.202) among studied women. • This study shows that there statistically significant (positive) correlation between emotional well-being and the women diet [spicy food) at (p=.187). On the other hand there was statistically significant (positive) correlation between their physical functioning and non-Smoking and not drinking Caffeine at (at p= 291 and p=. 346 respectively). • Finally, this study shows that there was non-significant (negative) correlation between social functioning and their odor of the vaginal discharges [fishy] and the consistency of the vaginal discharges [mucoid] and the amount of vaginal discharges at (p=-.217 and p=-.334 and p=-.190 respectively) . And there was non-significant (negative) correlation between social functioning and dyspareunia at (p=-.188). • In conclusion Bacterial and fungal infections are the most common cause of infectious vaginitis. Besides, risk factors such as previous vaginal infection, pregnancy, use of oral contraceptive, recent antibiotics/steroid, and STDs were also seen remarkably linked with females having infectious vaginitis. Meanwhile, there are a relationship between vaginal infection and quality of life in infected women with vaginal infection. The survey also revealed that the disease has a strong impact on patient’s usual daily activities. • Therefore, it is recommended that: Design training guiding programs for women about vaginal infection, symptoms of each type, complication & how mange it and Quality of life .Further research is recommended to study the effect of an educational program for the management of vaginal infection.