فعالية استخدام الخرائط الذهنية لتنمية بعض عادات العقل في تحسين الفهم القرائي لدى تلاميذ المرحلة الإبتدائية ذوي صعوبات تعلم القراءة

Faculty disability sciences and rehabilitation Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : فعالية استخدام الخرائط الذهنية لتنمية , عادات    
The current study aimed to identify the Effectivity of Using Mind Maps to Develop some Habits of Mind to Improve Reading Understanding for primary Schools pupils with Reading Learning Disabilities, the study sampel consisted of (20)male and female pupils with reading learning disabilities, Abdel Aziz Ali primary school, west zagazig administration,Alshrqya, and their ages ranged between (11- 13) years, with an average age of (11.800) and a standard deviation (0.52315) ,and their IQ is between (97.100), standard deviation (4.4591), they were divided into(10) experimental group and the same for the control group. The study tools included a colored progressive matrices test for different age groups (prepared by/ Imad Ali,2016) and a rapid neurological survey test (prepared and standardized by/ Abdel-wahhab Kamel, 2007), and diagnostic rating scale for Reading Learning Disabilities (prepared by/ Fathy Alzyat,2014), and habits of mind scale (prepared by / Shimaa Mohsen), and reading understanding test (prepared by/Shimaa Mohsen). The results confirmed that Effectivity of Using Mind Maps to Develop some Habits of Mind to Improve Reading Understanding for primary Schools pupils with Reading Learning Disabilities, Continuity of effectiveness of the program during the follow-up period.

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