السلوك القيادى للمدرب وعلاقتة بالمهارات النفسية والأداء المهارى للاعبى الهوكى

Faculty Physical Education for Girls Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : السلوك القيادى للمدرب وعلاقتة بالمهارات النفسية    
Objective: The leadership behavior of the coach and its relationship to the psychological skills and skill performance of hockey players The research aims to: - Identify the relationship between the leadership behavior of the coach and the psychological skills of field hockey players. 2- Identify the relationship between the leadership behavior of the coach and the skill performance of field hockey players. 3- Identifying the relationship between psychological skills and the skill performance of field hockey players. 4- Identifying the differences between male and female players in the coach’s leadership behavior, psychological skills, and skill performance. (Research title) The leadership behavior of the coach and its relationship to the psychological skills and skill performance of the players The researcher used the method: the descriptive method The research sample consisted of hockey players at Al-Sharqia Sports Club in Zagazig. The research community was chosen intentionally and numbered (70) male and female players, with (35) male and (35) female players. The researcher used personal interviews with experts in the field of psychology as tools: Appendix (1) - Leadership in Sports Scale: Prepared by Mustafa Abu Zaid (1990) with a study under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Hassan Allawi. - Psychological skills scale prepared by the researcher. - Tests to measure the level of skill performance The most important results indicated the organization of training courses and lectures for coaches with the aim of raising the level of their technical qualification and developing the sports training methods used, with the assistance of a psychologist to give lectures on methods of counseling and guidance.

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