الايذاء عبر الانترنت وعلاقته بالذكاء الوجدانى واحترام الذات بين المراهقين : دراسه تدخليه

Faculty Nursing Year: 2024
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Volume:
Keywords : الايذاء , الانترنت وعلاقته بالذكاء الوجدانى واحترام    
The aim was to assess the effectiveness of training program on cyberbullying victimization and its association with self esteem and emotional intelligence and included 440 students from law and pharmacy faculties at zagazig university

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  • Ahmed Mahmoud Abdul Salam Abbasi, "Cyberbullying Victimization And Its Association With Self Esteem And Emotional Intelligence Among Adolescents : An Intervention Study", 2024 More
  • Ahmed Mahmoud Abdul Salam Abbasi, "Cyberbullying Victimization Among Adolescents at Zagazig University: Self esteem and Emotional intelligence", Eur. Chem. Bull., 2023 More

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