التدريبات العنقودية وتأثيرها على بعض المتغيرات المهارية فى هوكى الميدان

Faculty Physical Education for Girls Year: 2023
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages: 17
Journal: مجلة بحوث التربية الشاملة ـ كلية تربية رياضية بنات ـ جامعة الزقازيق مجلة بحوث التربية الشاملة ـ كلية تربية رياضية بنات ـ جامعة الزقازيق Volume:
Keywords : التدريبات العنقودية وتأثيرها , , المتغيرات المهارية , هوكى    
The research aims to identify the effect of cluster training on some field hockey skills. The researcher used the experimental method because it suits the nature of the research and its procedures, through the experimental design of two groups, one experimental and the other control, using two measurements (pre-test and post-test). The research sample was chosen intentionally from field hockey players. In the Eastern Hockey Region, the Sunni stage, born in 2006/2007 AD, the sample size was (40) players, and (10) players were selected from them to conduct the exploratory study. In light of the research problem, its hypotheses, and statistical analysis, the researcher reached the following conclusions: 1- The cluster training program has a positive impact on developing the skill variables under study. 2- The application of the training program led to an improvement in the level of performance of some skills for field hockey juniors in the experimental group by a percentage ranging between (11.26) and (60.91). 3- The skill variables under study improved between the post-measurements of the experimental and control groups by a percentage ranging between (60.91) and (27.91) in favor of the experimental group, as a result of applying the training program. 4- The experimental group improved better as a result of applying the program than the control group in the level of performance of some skills, and the differences between the averages were significant in all tests that measure the level of performance. In light of the results and conclusions reached, the researcher recommends the following: 1- Working on applying cluster training when developing both the physical and skill variables of field hockey players 2- Making comparisons between cluster group training and other modern training methods to develop the skills of field hockey youth. 3- Using cluster group training in different sports. 4- Conduct similar scientific studies on cluster training, taking a psychological and physiological direction. - Paying attention to applying the proposed training program at different age levels.

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