آليات تحقيق التنمية المستدامة فى ضوء مفهوم التعليم الريادى فى الجامعات المصرية : تصور مقترح

Faculty Specific Education Year: 2020
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: مجلة كلية التربية جامعة بنها كلية التربية جامعة بنها Volume:
Keywords : آليات تحقيق التنمية المستدامة , , مفهوم التعليم    
Mechanisms to achieve sustainable development in view of the concept of entrepreneurial education in Egyptian universities, A proposed perception Interest in entrepreneurship education within universities has increased around the world Due to the economic and social development it is achieving, creating many job opportunities for young people, the creation of generations of creative and innovative and facing unemployment by supporting the orientation of young people to be businessmen and owners of small enterprises in the future. This requires restructuring the university's roles to turn into a university dependent on Entrepreneurial education and able to provide students with the skills and personal characteristics to become entrepreneurs in the future. This research aims to clarify the role of entrepreneurship education in university education to drive sustainable development and developing a proposed vision to support entrepreneurship education to achieve sustainable development, in light of addressing entrepreneurship education and its importance in higher education and its impact on sustainable development. The research used the descriptive method in studying the conditions, phenomena and relationships associated with both entrepreneurial education and sustainable development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires in electronic and paper form on a random sample of faculty members, and the analysis of (150) valid questionnaires was relied upon. The study reached the most important requirements for entrepreneurial education from the point of view of faculty members, and the requirements were represented in five main axes and it reached the obstacles to entrepreneurship education in the university community and a set of recommendations. Key Words: Sustainable Development - Entrepreneurial Education Mechanisms to achieve sustainable development in view of the concept of entrepreneurial education in Egyptian universities, A proposed perception Interest in entrepreneurship education within universities has increased around the world Due to the economic and social development it is achieving, creating many job opportunities for young people, the creation of generations of creative and innovative and facing unemployment by supporting the orientation of young people to be businessmen and owners of small enterprises in the future. This requires restructuring the university's roles to turn into a university dependent on Entrepreneurial education and able to provide students with the skills and personal characteristics to become entrepreneurs in the future. This research aims to clarify the role of entrepreneurship education in university education to drive sustainable development and developing a proposed vision to support entrepreneurship education to achieve sustainable development, in light of addressing entrepreneurship education and its importance in higher education and its impact on sustainable development. The research used the descriptive method in studying the conditions, phenomena and relationships associated with both entrepreneurial education and sustainable development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires in electronic and paper form on a random sample of faculty members, and the analysis of (150) valid questionnaires was relied upon. The study reached the most important requirements for entrepreneurial education from the point of view of faculty members, and the requirements were represented in five main axes and it reached the obstacles to entrepreneurship education in the university community and a set of recommendations. Key Words: Sustainable Development - Entrepreneurial Education Mechanisms to achieve sustainable development in view of the concept of entrepreneurial education in Egyptian universities, A proposed perception Interest in entrepreneurship education within universities has increased around the world Due to the economic and social development it is achieving, creating many job opportunities for young people, the creation of generations of creative and innovative and facing unemployment by supporting the orientation of young people to be businessmen and owners of small enterprises in the future. This requires restructuring the university's roles to turn into a university dependent on Entrepreneurial education and able to provide students with the skills and personal characteristics to become entrepreneurs in the future. This research aims to clarify the role of entrepreneurship education in university education to drive sustainable development and developing a proposed vision to support entrepreneurship education to achieve sustainable development, in light of addressing entrepreneurship education and its importance in higher education and its impact on sustainable development. The research used the descriptive method in studying the conditions, phenomena and relationships associated with both entrepreneurial education and sustainable development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires in electronic and paper form on a random sample of faculty members, and the analysis of (150) valid questionnaires was relied upon. The study reached the most important requirements for entrepreneurial education from the point of view of faculty members, and the requirements were represented in five main axes and it reached the obstacles to entrepreneurship education in the university community and a set of recommendations. Key Words: Sustainable Development - Entrepreneurial Education Mechanisms to achieve sustainable development in view of the concept of entrepreneurial education in Egyptian universities, A proposed perception Interest in entrepreneurship education within universities has increased around the world Due to the economic and social development it is achieving, creating many job opportunities for young people, the creation of generations of creative and innovative and facing unemployment by supporting the orientation of young people to be businessmen and owners of small enterprises in the future. This requires restructuring the university's roles to turn into a university dependent on Entrepreneurial education and able to provide students with the skills and personal characteristics to become entrepreneurs in the future. This research aims to clarify the role of entrepreneurship education in university education to drive sustainable development and developing a proposed vision to support entrepreneurship education to achieve sustainable development, in light of addressing entrepreneurship education and its importance in higher education and its impact on sustainable development. The research used the descriptive method in studying the conditions, phenomena and relationships associated with both entrepreneurial education and sustainable development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires in electronic and paper form on a random sample of faculty members, and the analysis of (150) valid questionnaires was relied upon. The study reached the most important requirements for entrepreneurial education from the point of view of faculty members, and the requirements were represented in five main axes and it reached the obstacles to entrepreneurship education in the university community and a set of recommendations. Key Words: Sustainable Development - Entrepreneurial Education Abstract Mechanisms to achieve sustainable development in view of the concept of entrepreneurial education in Egyptian universities, A proposed perception Interest in entrepreneurship education within universities has increased around the world Due to the economic and social development it is achieving, creating many job opportunities for young people, the creation of generations of creative and innovative and facing unemployment by supporting the orientation of young people to be businessmen and owners of small enterprises in the future. This requires restructuring the university's roles to turn into a university dependent on Entrepreneurial education and able to provide students with the skills and personal characteristics to become entrepreneurs in the future. This research aims to clarify the role of entrepreneurship education in university education to drive sustainable development and developing a proposed vision to support entrepreneurship education to achieve sustainable development, in light of addressing entrepreneurship education and its importance in higher education and its impact on sustainable development. The research used the descriptive method in studying the conditions, phenomena and relationships associated with both entrepreneurial education and sustainable development. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaires in electronic and paper form on a random sample of faculty members, and the analysis of (150) valid questionnaires was relied upon. The study reached the most important requirements for entrepreneurial education from the point of view of faculty members, and the requirements were represented in five main axes and it reached the obstacles to entrepreneurship education in the university community and a set of recommendations. Key Words: Sustainable Development - Entrepreneurial Education

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