العميان في مصر عصر سلاطين المماليك(648-923هـ/1250-1517م

Faculty Art Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: مجلة الدراسات التاريخية والحضارية المصرية، جامعة بني سويف مجلة الدراسات التاريخية والحضارية المصرية، جامعة بني سويف Volume:
Keywords : العميان , , , سلاطين المماليك(648-923هـ/1250-1517م    
This study deals with the topic of blind people in Egypt in the era of Mamluks. Many think that blinds have no role in life, and they give up to their handicap and go away and hide as they think that they are marginalized at this era. But this study reveals the role of blind people in all fields of life, and how they overcome their handicap and become prominent members in the Egyptian society, that some of them surpassed their healthy peers. The motive of choosing this topic is the lack of studies related to people with special needs in general and blind people particularly, in the Mamluk era. This study is divided into many points, they are definition of blindness in language and idiomatically, the main reasons of blindness either natural or human, the role of doctors in treating blindness, mentioning of life of blind people, the societal caring for the blind people, the role of blind people in life and the results of the study..

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