Effect of Video Games on the Adverse Corollaries of Chemotherapy at Pediatric Oncology Patients

Faculty Nursing Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal Volume:
Keywords : Effect , Video Games , , Adverse Corollaries , Chemotherapy    
Introduction and significance of the study: Nausea and vomiting are the most common and unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy, they may interfere with children compliance to treatment completion and may be associated with considerable health care resource utilization. In association with traditional use of antiemetic for control of nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to find other methods for better control of side effects in children. Video games distraction direct concentration to other and take the attention away from own pain and concentrate on concern for someone else, more positive thoughts and distract with other sensations i.e. video games distraction can jog emotions and break the connection between the person and his/her emotional pain. However, there is a lack of studies which discuss the importance of video games as types of distraction on pediatric oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy. Aim: To investigate the effect of video games on the adverse corollaries of chemotherapy at pediatric oncology patients. Subjects and Methods: Research design: A quasi-experimental research design was used in this study. Setting: The study was applied at the pediatric department in the Oncology Institute at Sohag city and Sohag University Hospital. Subjects: A convenient sample of 100 Pediatric oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy were recruited from the previously mentioned setting during six months from 1st of July 2019 to the end of December 2019, were equally and randomly assigned into two groups, the first was the control group (50 children) who received only usual routine care and the second was the study group who received video games with chemotherapy treatment (50 children). Data collection Tools: two tools were used: (I) demographic characteristics tool (II): Rhodes Index of Nausea and Vomiting Likert scale: to assess nausea and vomiting for children receiving chemotherapy, Results: 56% and 50% of children who received video games and those in the control groups their age were ranged from 8 <10 years with mean ±SD (8.59 ± 1.73 and 8.63 ± 1.93 respectively). All pediatric oncology patients (100%) in the video games group had no nausea compared to 76% in the control group with statistically significant differences (p=0.000) after intervention according to items of Rhodes index of nausea &vomiting scale. Almost pediatric oncology patients in the video games group (96%) compared to 0.0% in the control group had no vomiting during or within 24 hours of their last treatment and also a statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups according to vomiting during or within 24 hours of their last treatment (p=0.00%) after intervention. Also the majority of pediatric oncology patients in the video games group (98%) compared to (0.0%) of children in the control group had no vomiting with a statistically significant difference was found between the video games and control groups regarding the presence of vomiting p= (0.000) after video gaming distractions. Conclusion: Based on the results and study hypothesis that pediatric oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy who received video games had experienced lower nausea and vomiting compared to children in the control group who received routine hospital care only. Recommendations: The study recommended that pediatric nurses should be involved video game in routine care among pediatric oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy to reduce and manage side effects of chemotherapy.

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