تقييم إستراتيجيات إدارة الجدارة لتوظيف قدرات الشباب وعلاقته بالرضا عن الحياة

Faculty Specific Education Year: 2020
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: مجلة دراسات وبحوث التربية النوعية - كلية التربية النوعية -جامعة الزقازيق مجلة دراسات وبحوث التربية النوعية - كلية التربية النوعية -جامعة الزقازيق Volume:
Keywords : تقييم إستراتيجيات إدارة الجدارة لتوظيف قدرات    
The youth stage is a golden stage in the lives of individuals and digital societies, in which youth acquire their skills and grow his merit one by one. According to this stage, youth considered as a huge human energy and a distinct social force if it is well prepared, employed through the strategic interest for achieving the public goal, which is a basic and necessary requirement in this digital era, by empowering youth to do his job successfully and Confronting the challenges of life and the emerging changes consciously and competently, through his assessment and personal judgment of his accomplishments, which polishes his personality and becomes more capable of giving. This is reflected in a more profound and impact on his psychological health and his sense of success and satisfaction with life, therefore the aim of the study was the evaluation of youth awareness of merit management strategies with its various axes to employ their abilities and its relationship to their satisfaction with life in its various dimensions, The research tools were applied and collected in the time period (August, September, October) for the year 2019, on a sample that included (200) youth from both sexes were chosen in a coincidental manner from different social, educational and cultural levels from Sharkia governorate, and the research data was completed through three questionnaires Through a personal interview with youth (research sample), for this purpose, these tools were designed in the light of the research goals and include a primary data form for young people, a questionnaire that measures youth awareness of the merit management strategies with its various axes to employ their abilities, and a questionnaire that measures the youth’s feeling of satisfaction with life in its multiple dimensions, and the data was compiled and classified using appropriate statistical methods with Spss21 program. The study followed the descriptive analytical method. The results of this showed that there was a statistical significant differences at the level (0.01) between the averages scores of the research sample in the youth’s awareness of merit management strategies with its various axes to employ their abilities and its relationship with their feelings life satisfaction with its multiple dimensions according to the difference in the socioeconomic level variables (place of residence, gender) and the results were in favor of urban and male respectively, There was also a statistical significant difference at the level (0.01) between the averages scores of the research sample of the youth’s awareness of merit management strategies with its various axes to employ their abilities and its relationship to their feelings of satisfaction with life in its various dimensions according to the different socioeconomic level variables (social status, age, job title, type of sector, Education level and monthly income level) The results were in favor of singles, age, high-profile jobs, both sectors, higher educational level and high income level, respectively. The results showed also, there was a statistical significant correlation at the level (0.05) between the youth’s awareness of merit management strategies to employ their abilities and its relationship to their feelings of satisfaction with life, also there was an influence in the level of youth feelings of life satisfaction with the merit management strategies with its various axes to employ their abilities, It was also found that there was an influence on the level of youth awareness of the merit management strategies and the level of youth satisfaction of life with some of variables of the socio-economic level (place of residence, gender, marital status, family size, age, job title, sector type, educational level and monthly income level). One of the most important recommendations was the serious endeavor towards building a community of merit to keep pace with modern global trends and in line with the goals of the sustainable development strategy Egypt Vision 2030 AD, Through caring for the youth and their mental health. So, the more advanced societies put their priorities on attracting and investing youth energies and entrepreneurial competencies and making full use of them. To achieve this, curriculum developers should be directed to the imperative of developing education through the inclusion of practical materials and applications that include merit management and implantation as a science to prepare qualified graduates for the labor market and link them to employment agencies with a commitment to applying merit standards, and establishing positive psychology topics represented in "satisfaction with life" for its being the basis of health, in order for youth to be convinced and aware of what he is doing and performing his message in life with satisfaction and positivity, it is better for youth to understand that message and who is better than them, and this in turn explains the importance of correlation between the progress of society and individuals merit and their mental health.

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