دور التوجه الريادي للجامعة فى تطوير جدارات التعلم التنظيمي "دراسة تطبيقية على الجامعات المصرية"

Faculty Technology and Development Year: 2022
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages: 1-26
Journal: مجلة البحوث التجارية جامعة الزقازيق Volume: 5
Keywords : , التوجه الريادي للجامعة , تطوير جدارات التعلم    
This study aimed to know the role played by university entrepreneurial orientation in developing organizational learning competencies. The entrepreneurial orientation has been expressed as an independent variable through its four dimensions: Mobilization Research, Unconventionality, Industry standardized, Policy standardized, while organizational learning competencies were expressed as dependent variable through its three dimensions: Capabilities, Resources, Competences. the researcher reviewed previous studies that addressed the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and organizational competencies in Western environments, and it was applied to (4) Egyptian public universities, and (5) Egyptian private universities. the researcher relied on a sample of (347) staff member from public universities, and (245) staff member from private universities. a questionnaire was used in data collection pertaining to the variables of the study in these universities. The researcher used a set of multivariate statistical methods in analyzing the study data. and the study concluded that there is a positive significant effect between university entrepreneurial orientation in its four dimensions on organizational learning competencies. A discussion of the results and their implications is presented along with suggestions for further research.