فعالية استخدام نموذج الاستجابة للتدخل في تشخيص وتقييم ذوي صعوبات التعلم

Faculty Education Year: 2013
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages: 1-30
Journal: مؤتمر الجمعية الخليجية للإعاقة، الملتقى الثالث عشر، مملكة البحرين مؤتمر الجمعية الخليجية للإعاقة، الملتقى الثالث عشر، مملكة البحرين Volume:
Keywords : فعالية استخدام نموذج الاستجابة للتدخل , تشخيص    
The current research aims to study the effectiveness of the response to intervention model as a qualitative analysis model in diagnosing and treating people with reading and mathematics difficulties compared to the spacing test as a quantitative analysis model in an attempt to prevent the phenomenon of waiting for failure, and to support early intervention for students who suffer from learning difficulties or problems. The sample amounted to 576 students before sorting out those with learning difficulties from the fifth grade of primary school in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and those with learning disabilities were sorted using the spacing and exclusion narratives and using the non-colored sequential matrices of Raven and the diagnostic tests in reading and mathematics and the post-tests of reading and mathematics for the fifth grade of primary and the therapeutic diagnostic model based on Various strategies for developing reading and mathematics skills through the application of the remedial program individually within the framework of (the response to intervention model), where the program varies from one student to another according to the student's need for interventions, and this program is based on a number of strategies and teaching methods. Using frequencies and percentages, the results of the analysis showed that the application of the three-stage response model to the intervention in this study reduced the number of students who were diagnosed by the divergence criterion model as having learning difficulties by 69.55%, as a large number responded to the qualitative analysis-based intervention. The results indicated that the response to intervention model had a clear effectiveness in treating people with learning difficulties compared to the criterion of spacing, and the researcher attributes this to the fact that the response to intervention model depends directly on the qualitative diagnosis in addition to its use of all scientifically available activities through its dependence on accurate information and data.

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