Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods for Skin Lesion Classification and Diagnosis: A Systematic Review

Faculty Computer Science Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Diagnostics MDPI Volume: 2021
Keywords : Machine Learning , Deep Learning Methods , Skin    
Computer-aided systems for skin lesion diagnosis is a growing area of research. Recently, researchers have shown an increasing interest in developing computer-aided diagnosis systems. This paper aims to review, synthesize and evaluate the quality of evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of computer-aided systems. This study discusses the papers published in the last five years in ScienceDirect, IEEE, and SpringerLink databases. It includes 53 articles using traditional machine learning methods and 49 articles using deep learning methods. The studies are compared based on their contributions, the methods used and the achieved results. The work identified the main challenges of evaluating skin lesion segmentation and classification methods such as small datasets, ad hoc image selection and racial bias.

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