Effects of different feeding regimens with protease supplementation on growth, amino acid digestibility, economic efficiency, blood biochemical parameters, and intestinal histology in broiler chickens

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: BMC Veterinary Research Springer nature Volume:
Keywords : Effects , different feeding regimens with protease supplementation    
Background: This study was conducted to estimate the impacts of using varied feeding regimens with or without protease supplementation on the growth performance, apparent amino acid ileal digestibility (AID%), economic efficiency, intestinal histology, and blood biochemical parameters of broiler chickens. Three hundred one-day-old chicks (Ross 308 broiler) were randomly allotted to a 3 × 2 factorial design. The experimental design consisted of three feeding regimens; FR1: a recommended protein SBM diet, FR2: a low-protein SBM diet, and FR3: a low-protein diet with the inclusion of 5% DDGS and 5% SFM, with or without protease supplementation (250 mg/kg). Results: Increased feed intake and feed conversion ratio were observed in the FR3 treatment during the starter stage and decreased body weight and body weight gain during the grower stage. However, there was no significant effect of the different feeding regimens, protease supplementation, or interaction on the overall performance. The economic value of diets also remained unaffected by the different feeding regimens, protease supplementation, or interaction. Protease supplementation resulted in lowering the AID% of tryptophan and leucine. Reduced AID% of methionine was evident in the FR2 + VE and FR3 − VE treatments. Histological findings substantiated the FR3 treatment mediated a decrease in the duodenal and jejunal villous height (VH), jejunal villous width (VW), and ileal VW, whereas, increase in the ileal crypt depth (CD). The FR2 + VE treatment reduced the VH:CD ratio in the duodenum. The duodenal CD and the jejunal goblet cell count were reduced as a consequence of protease supplementation. The FR3 + VE treatment documented a rise in duodenal CD, while an increase in the jejunal goblet cell count was observed in the FR3 − VE treatment. The FR3 treatment enhanced the IgM serum levels compared to the FR1 and FR2 treatments. IgM serum levels were also elevated following protease supplementation. FR3 + VE treatment increased IgM serum levels. The highest serum ALP was found in the FR3 treatment, whereas the lowest level was obtained in the FR2 treatment.

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