The potency of newly development H5N8 and H9N2 avian influenza vaccines against the isolated strains in laying hens from Egypt during 2019

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences ُELSEVIR Volume:
Keywords : , potency , newly development H5N8 , H9N2 avian    
Avian influenza (AI) is a respiratory disease complex syndrome recently recorded in vaccinated flocks causing high economic losses. This study aimed to prepare inactivated vaccine from recently isolated field strains [highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) (H5N8) and low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) (H9N2)] and compare the efficiency of the two experimental avian influenza vaccines and some commercial avian influenza H5 and H9N2 vaccines in laying hens. The obtained results indicated that the identified experimental vaccines (H5N8 and H9N2) were protected the flocks from AI as compared to commercial H5N1, H5N3, and H9N2 vaccines, which showed a protection level of 80, 70, and 90%, respectively, indicating a high efficacy for the developed vaccines. In addition, it significantly improved the virus shedding, especially when used in booster dose. The experimental vaccines were given high antibody titer higher than commercial vaccine which was reached to 9.3 log2, 9.7log2 for experimental H5N8 vaccine which was significantly higher than and groups 3 and 4 especially at 2nd WPV, while at the 3rd WPV, the significant difference was with group 4 only. The HI titer was 9.3 log2 at 2nd WPV for the experimental H9N2 vaccine that was significantly higher than group 9. In conclusion, the booster dose of the experimental vaccines could elicit strong immunity than single-dose and commercial vaccines

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