Computer vision syndrome, visual ergonomics and amelioration among staff members in a Saudi medical college

Faculty Medicine Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages: 10
Journal: International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Taylor & Francis & Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute (CIOPPIB) Volume: 1080-3548 2376-9130
Keywords : Computer vision syndrome, visual ergonomics and amelioration    
Objectives: Nearly 60 million people suffer from computer vision syndrome (CVS) globally, resulting in reduced work productivity. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of CVS, describe the working conditions, visualize ergonomic factors and determine preventive measures application among university staff members. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with university medical staff members using a semi-structured questionnaire that included a validated CVS questionnaire. Results: CVS prevalence was 81.2%. Dryness, headache, feeling that sight is worsening and difficulty in focusing on near vision were the most experienced symptoms. Prevalence of CVS was significantly higher among females (52.3%), those having a higher mean work duration (21.65±7.55 years), those who frequently use a smartphone (84.9%) and those spending most of their screen time during both day and night (87.1%). Visual ergonomics and preventive measures application, such as correct screen level, regular cleaning of the screen, appropriate illumination and use of eye drops, were significantly associated with negative CVS. Conclusions: These results raised attention to the essential need for visual assessment of university staff members for early and proper diagnosis of CVS to minimize its impact on working performance. Accordingly, it is recommended to organize university-based awareness programs regarding CVS for working personnel.

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