Unusual Carbuncle on Biceps Tendon at Knee: A Case Report and Literature Review

Faculty Medicine Year: 2021
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: SunText Review of Case Reports & Images SunText Review of Case Reports & Images Volume: 2
Keywords : Unusual Carbuncle , Biceps Tendon , Knee: A Case    
Carbuncle is a common dermatological finding occurring in hairy skin including back of neck, armpits, trunk, and groin. In this article, we reported an unusual site of carbuncle at the posterolateral aspect of knee joint overlying the distal insertion of biceps femoris. We also reviewed the previous literature regrading carbuncle management. A sixty-years-old man came to the clinic with large indurated carbuncle in the region of right knee joint overlying on the tendon of biceps femoris. It was initially misdiagnosed as a simple abscess with failed trials of evacuation through manual squeezing. Then, the case was diagnosed as a carbuncle of multinodular lesions. Surgical incision and division of the interlobular septa were performed to ensure complete evacuation and non-recurrence. The surgical procedure was done under umbrella of broad-spectrum antibiotics. The wound healed but induration remained for some days till subsided gradually. It is concluded that carbuncle might occur at knee region. It is a medical case that should be carefully diagnosed and properly managed to avoid infections’ spread and complications

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