تقييم مخرجات التعلم في التعليم العالي "AHELO" على المستوى الدولي "دراسة حالة على جامعة الزقازيق".

Faculty disability sciences and rehabilitation Year: 2015
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages: 160-177
Journal: المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للقياس والتقويم بالمملكة العربية السعودية الرياض المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للقياس والتقويم بالمملكة العربية السعودية الرياض Volume:
Keywords : تقييم مخرجات التعلم , التعليم العالي "AHELO"    
Early pioneer of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development represents one of the future directions to evaluate higher education learning outcomes (AHELO) towards achieving balance between quality and work market demands. As it aims at establishing an assessment system that can be applied universally to assess and evaluate higher Education learning outcomes .The Arab Republic of Egypt participation in(AHELO) comes to complete the efforts to achieve Egyptian higher education organizations quality. As it has been applied on (19) Egyptian university in the following paths :(General Skills, Civil-Engineering and Economy). Zagazig University had participated (2012) in feasibility study of these tests in only two paths (Civil Engineering and Economy), and in the whole educational context for pupils, educational organizations and teaching staff. Tests have been applied online according to universal criteria of tests administration (tests administration guide), as tests have been held in places with certain conditions. The correction process, results analysis and reports preparation were held on the organizational and national level. The test was applied on a sample of (200) Engineering students specialized in Civil Engineering, and a sample of (200) final year students specialized in Economics. A recognition forum was held for teaching staff and students. Students were trained, at university (ICDL) labs, on online tests examples that were obtained from the main center of tests in Australia. Finally, some merits, problems and demerits, which faced (AHELO) tests during application were introduced. Also, some recommendations and mechanisms were presented to activate and apply this experiment in the Egyptian Education.

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