Ultrasound prediction for vocal cord dysfunction in patients scheduled for anterior cervical spine surgeries: a prospective cohort study

Faculty Medicine Year: 2020
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing springer Volume:
Keywords : Ultrasound prediction , vocal cord dysfunction , patients    
Prediction of vocal cord dysfunction is essential after anterior cervical spine surgeries. This study aimed to detect the validity of transcutaneous laryngeal ultrasonography by both anterior and novel lateral approaches for prediction of vocal cord edema and paralysis after anterior cervical spine surgeries. A prospective cohort study conducted on 90 patients scheduled for anterior cervical spine surgeries underwent consecutive pre and postoperative vocal cord examination for edema and paralysis by both anterior and lateral approaches laryngeal ultrasonography. Rigid laryngoscopy was the standard confirmatory tool. For postoperative vocal cord edema, the anterior ultrasonography approach diagnostic sensitivity = 88.2%, specificity = 78.9% with PPV = 78.9% and NPV = 88.2% and the novel lateral ultrasonography approach diagnostic sensitivity = 88.2%, specificity = 94.7% with PPV = 93.75% and NPP = 90%. While for paralysis, the anterior ultrasonography approach diagnostic sensitivity = 86.7%, specificity = 85.7% with PPV = 81.25% and NPV = 90% and the novel lateral ultrasonography approach diagnostic (sensitivity, specificity with PPV and NPP) = 100%. The diagnostic accuracy of the novel lateral approach was more correlated to rigid laryngoscopy (91.7% and 100%) compared to anterior approach for vocal cord edema and paralysis (83.3% and 80.6%). Overall incidence of vocal cord paralysis was 16.6%. Risk of vocal cord paralysis was statistically significant more in female, multiple disc herniation, lower and mixed disc levels, Langenbeck retractor, cage and plate and duration of surgery ≥ 1.5 h. Transcutaneous Laryngeal ultrasound is a valid comfortable tool for prediction of vocal cord edema and paralysis after anterior cervical spine surgeries with superiority of the novel lateral over anterior approach.

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