تأثير برنامج تعليمى قائم على إستخدام إستراتيجة دورة التعلم السباعية E's7 على بعض نواتج التعلم لسباحة الصدر

Faculty Physical Education for Girls Year: 2018
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: Zagazig Veterinary Journal كلية التربية الرياضية - جامعة المنيا Volume:
Keywords : تأثير برنامج تعليمى قائم , إستخدام إستراتيجة    
The research aimed to identify the effect of an educational program based on using the strategy of the seven-course E's7 at the level of skill performance and cognitive achievement of chest swimming for second year students, and the researcher used the experimental approach on a sample of (50) students in the second group at the Faculty of Physical Education at Zagazig University Girls who were divided To two groups, one is an experimental group and the other is a control group of 25 students each. Among the research tools: a high intelligence test - evaluation of the skill level performance of chest swimming - a cognitive achievement test - the educational program. The researcher used the following statistical methods: mean - standard deviation - median - torsional coefficient - simple correlation coefficient - "T" test. Among the most important results: 1- The educational program based on the use of the strategy of the seven-cycle learning E's7 has a positive impact on the level of skill performance and cognitive achievement of chest swimming for students of the experimental group. 2- The traditional method (verbal explanation and performance of the practical model) has a positive impact on the level of skill performance and cognitive achievement of chest control group control. 3- The educational program based on the use of the strategy of the seven-cycle learning E's7 was more effective and positive than the traditional method in the level of skill performance and cognitive achievement of chest swimming, which indicates its effectiveness.

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