دور المؤسسات الحكومية في دعم الحفاظ على مدن التراث العالمي و المحلي دراسة مقارنة (القاهرة التاريخية- الأسكندرية)

Faculty Engineering Year: 2018
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages:
Journal: International Design Journal International Design Journal Volume:
Keywords : , المؤسسات الحكومية , , الحفاظ , , التراث العالمي , المحلي دراسة    
Urban heritage is one of the primary symbols of human civilizations that reflects the development of people and societies throughout history. Heritage reflects the capabilities that human beings have attained, not only in language, literature and thoughts, but also includes the physical and sentimental elements of the community together with thought, philosophy, religion, science, art and architecture in a society. Urbanization is one of the most basic elements of heritage and distinct from other elements of the heritage by its physical existence, representing a tangible evidence of the continuous presence of previous civilizations. It also highlights the sequence of inter-generational experiences and their cultural, social and religious values. In this sense, the urban heritage that is existing in historic cairo today highlights a comprehensive picture of islamic architecture, which is the result of the experience of Egyptian society and Islamic civilization in the past with all their good solutions reflected basis environmental conditions (climatic, geographical, social), as well as the design solutions, consistent with the needs of individuals and the society in terms of traditions and customs prevailing deep in Egypt. Cairo is home to a number of historical districts and significant monuments that demonstrate the architectural wealth of the city, not only as a capital of the Islamic World but as a wonder of the human urban experience. The historic centre of Cairo constitutes an impressive material witness to the international importance of the city during the medieval period. Cairo’s historic city was cited as covering an area of around 32 square kilometres on the eastern bank of the River Nile and surrounded by the modern quarters of Greater Cairo. As such, it was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1979 under the title of “Islamic Cairo”, recognizing its absolutely unquestionable historical, archaeological and urbanistic importance.

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