الذكاء الإنفعالى وعلاقته بمحددات الكفاءة المهنية فى ضوء معايير الجودة لمعلمى التربية الرياضية

Faculty Physical Education for Girls Year: 2010
Type of Publication: ZU Hosted Pages: 57 - 90
Journal: المجلة العلمية للبحوث والدراسات فى التربية الرياضية كلية التربية الرياضية ببورسعيد – جامعة قناة السويس كلية التربية الرياضية للبنين بالهرم - جامعة حلوان Volume:
Keywords : الذكاء الإنفعالى وعلاقته بمحددات الكفاءة المهنية    
The study aims to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and the determinants of professional competence in light of the quality standards for physical education teachers by achieving the following sub-goals: 1- Building measures for the professional competence of physical education teachers in light of quality standards. 2- Knowing the relationship between emotional intelligence and the basic determinants of measurement, which are: Knowledge competence, personal competence, skill (performance), productivity, and social competence. The two researchers used the descriptive approach and the sample was chosen from physical education teachers in Cairo Governorate and some governorates in the middle of the Delta (Sharkia - Dakahlia - Gharbiya) by 50 teachers from each governorate for the academic year 2009/2010. The most important results: The presence of a statistically significant correlation between the emotional and professional intelligence of a physical education teacher as follows: - Between cognitive competence, empathy, social communication, and the overall score of the emotional intelligence scale - Between personal competence, emotional knowledge, emotional management, emotional regulation, social communication, and the overall degree of emotional intelligence scale - Between "performance" skill competence, emotional knowledge, emotional regulation, and the overall degree of emotional intelligence scale

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