Magnetic field-induced currents in human body in the proximity of power lines

Faculty Science Year: 2003
Type of Publication: InProcceding Pages:
Journal: IEEE Volume:
Research Area: Energy \& Fuels; Engineering ISSN ISI:000187500300348
Keywords : ELF magnetic field, induced current density, SAR, live line maintenance    
The paper presents a model for the interaction between humans and ELF magnetic fields generated by power lines. Electric current densities induced due to 50 Hz magnetic fields in a human model placed in a close proximity of 500 kV lines are presented and analyzed. The specific absorption rate (SAR), is investigated for various human model locations under the power lines. Also examined in this work is the case of live line maintenance workers, where they may be located near the central and the outermost phase conductors. The induced current density and SAR are computed and discussed.