Studying the impact of different loads at both harmonics and power factor

Faculty Science Year: 2007
Type of Publication: InProcceding Pages:
Journal: IEEE Volume:
Research Area: Energy \& Fuels; Engineering ISSN ISI:000255998700017
Keywords : lamps, fast Fourier transform, harmonic distortion, power factor, and illumination    
As the lighting loads consume considerable amount of power, it is evident to study the effect of different types of lamps on both harmonics and power factors, which are considered two of the most important problems that face utility engineers. Lighting loads include Incandescent, Halogen, Fluorescent, Compact Fluorescent, and High intensity Discharge (HID) lamps. This study covers some significant concepts related to the performance of each lamp. The measurements were carried out at the laboratory by using power/harmonic analyser. The results include many recommendations that may be valuable for both consulting electrical engineers and customers.