Some Clinical, Biochemical and Ultrasonographic Studies on Indigestion in Cattle

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2012
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 125
BibID 11352463
Keywords : Veterinary Clinical Pathology    
This research work designed to reach to confirmatory diagnosis in some cases of indigestion including TRP (33 cows and 38 buffaloes), vagal indigestion (5 cows and 5 buffaloes) and diaphragmatic hernia q cows and 7 buffaloes). Diagnosis depended on clinicAnimals suffering from TRP showed anorexia, sharp decreased in milk yield, rise of body temperature, tachycardia, tachypnoea, recurrent tympany and abdominal pain recorded in most animals. All Animals sufferings from pleuro-pneumonia and pericarditis had