Polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of some fish bacterial pathogens

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2011
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 105
BibID 11029530
Keywords : Fish    
The present study was planned to investigate the most bacterial pathogens affecting some cultured fishes Sea bass, Gilt-head sea bream and Mugil capito. The study was carried on 47 naturally infected cultured fish and fry of sea bass collected from privatThe result of these studies was summarized as follows:-1-The common clinical signs in examined fish were mass mortalities in the farm in Gilthead sea bream. But Mugil capito showed hemorrhages on several parts of the body surface, mouth, base of the fins, abdomen, and opercula and around the anal opening, dar2-The observed postmortem examination of diseased Sea bass and Gilt-head sea bream showed pale anemic liver with hemorrhage on its edge and congested gills and ovaries. In some cases petechial hemorrhage on pale liver with congested spleen and eroded gillSuspected colonies on tryptic soya agar with 2% NaCl at 25 ºC for 24 hrs were whitish yellow colour and circular. On thiosulfate citrate sucrose bile salt sucrose agar (TCBS) with 2% NaCl at 25ºC for 24 hour gave yellow colonies and some gave green coloni