Clinicopathological studies on the effect of some environmental pollutants in albino rats

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2011
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 203
BibID 11118669
Keywords : veterinary clincal Pathology    
aim of the work-)Environmental pollutants (solid, liquid and gas) are hazardous substances which contaminate the environment. Such contamination can result in acute or chronic health hazard on the population. Vanadium is extensively distributed in nature.Two hundred adult albino rats were divided into five groups. Gp. (1) was kept as normal control (30 rats). Gp. (2) was orally given 1mg/kg B.wt. vanadium pentoxide (1/10 LD50), (50 rats). Gp. (3) was orally given 0.5 mg/kg B.wt.vanadium pentoxide (1/20 LDNo clinical signs of toxicity were detected after vanadium pentoxide supplementation (gps.2&3) as the rats were apparently normal throughout the experimental periods. The rats after glyphosate poisoning (gps.4&5) showed dullness, decreased appetite, loss The erythrogram showed non significant changes in RBCs count, hemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume and reticulocytic counts in all treated groups at the 7th and 14th days (FBT). Macrocytic hypochromic anemia with reticulocytosis was found at 30, 4