Efficacy of oxytetracycline on catfish

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2009
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 96
BibID 10648568
Keywords : veternary pharmacology    
Oxytetracycline is one of the most common therapeutics used in aquacultures worldwide because of its effectiveness as a broad spectrum antibiotic, its relatively safety, low concentration rate in edible tissues and reasonably short elimination time. Also,The most prevalent side-effect of Oxytetracyclines are decrease the immunity level, reduction in heart rate, increase level of serum transaminases, increase blood urea level and renal and hepatic dysfunction.The present work was designed to explore the possible side-effects of Oxytetracycline on blood picture, immunity, liver function and kidney function.Forty fresh water Catfish ”Clarias Lazera” were divided into two equal groups (each of 20fishes):The first group (Control)Catfishes in the first group not received Oxytetracycline and remained as control group. and the second is the treated with therapeutic dose.The second group (healthy treated with Oxytetracycline)Catfishes in the second group treated with Oxytetracycline therapeutic dose orally (75 mg/kg B.W) for twenty one successive days.Blood was collected from starved fishes at 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, 1st week, 2nd week and 3rd week, respectively. The blood was collected from each fish into 2 sterile tubes, one containing EDTA as Anticoagulant and the other tube not contain anticoaguDuring the experimental period (21 days). 