Study on the effects of some antibiotics on health and growth of oreochromis miloticus

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 109
BibID 11686670
Keywords : Fishes    
The use of antibiotics in animal agriculture has helped in theproduction of safer animal products, improving growth rate, andconserving feed and water resources. The use of drugs in foodanimals is fundamental to animal health and well-being as well as tothe economics of the industry. Though antibiotics use has itsadvantages, the intensive and extensive use of antibiotics has lead tothe emergence of antimicrobial resistance.A total number of 140 Oreochromis niloticus with anaverage body weight (20±0.09g) were allocated into seven groups,each group had two replicates (10 fish replicate”), G 1 wasregularly fed with basal diets; G 2, 3 were regularly fed basal dietsupplemented with oxytetracycline at concentration of 100, 150 mg/kg diet respectively. While G 4, 5 were regularly fed basal dietsupplemented with florfenicol at concentration of 5, 10 mg /kg bodyweight respectively and G 6, 7 were fed basal diet supplementedwith amoxicillin at concentration of 70, 80 mg/kg body weight.Feeding rate 5% from total weight. The diet was given two timesdaily. The food was applied by hand in corresponding pond. Thefish of each group were weighted every two weeks during theexperimental period for adjustment of feeding requirements of eachgroup and determination of growth parameters. Clinical signs,postmortem lesions, histopsthological changes and antibioticresidues in fish tissues were recorded at the end of experiment(12weeks). Blood samples were taken from fish at the end of theexperiment to determine some biochemical parameters. 