‏ ‏Some morphological studies on the muscles of‏ ‏the hyobranchial ‎apparatus and muscles of the lower jaw in ostrich struthio‏ ‏camelus‏ /‏

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2010
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 98
BibID 10752435
Keywords : Veterinary anatomy    
The present investigation was carried out on three apparently healthy ostriches of both sexes (two females and one male) and their age was 3 and 3.5 years as well as twenty seven heads connected with parts of the neck.The specimens were also of both sexes and their ages ranged between 12-24 months. The heads and the necks of the three birds were dissected till the sternum to study the extrinsic muscles of the hyobranchial apparatus then separated and used in completingThe present study revealed that the muscles of the hyobranchial apparatus were segregated into Extrinsic and Intrinsic muscles.The extrinsic muscles which includes M.intermandibularis, M.basibranchialis mandbularis (Pars superficialis, Pars medialis and Pars lateralis); M.epibranchialis mandibularis, M. cricocerato branchialis ventralis, M.cricocerato branchialis dorsalis, M.tracOn the other hand muscles of the lower jaw includes M.depressor mandibulae, 