Some Histological Studies On The Muscle Spindles & Golgi Organs of Extraocular Muscles of Goat

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2008
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 90
BibID 10201473
Keywords : Veterinary Histology    
Seven extraocular muscles were placed surrounding the eye globe. They were four recti muscles (dorsal, ventral, medial, lateral), two oblique muscles (dorsal, ventral), and retractor bulbimuscle, all were arranged around the globe and the optic nerve forming a muscular cone with its base anteriorly. The dorsal rectus muscle had a greater mass than the other recti and oblique muscles. The retractor bulbi muscle had the most weight than the muscles when muscles were considered individually. The most slender and longer extraocular muscle was the dorsal oblique. The histological findings showed that, muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs were seen within all the extraocular muscles ofthe goat. Muscle spindle was fusiform in shape• in longitudinal section; it was enclosed by outer capsule of connective tissue Longitudinally, each spindle possessed equatorial, paraequatorial, juxtapolar and polar regions. It contained intrafusal muscle section. The intrafusal fibers at the equatorial region were clos enveloped by delicate inner capsule and a prominent periaxia was present separating the inner capsule from the outer ea Periaxial space was relatively wide at these spindle and narrowed tow

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  • Rasha Ragab Mahmoud Farag, "Some Histological Studies On The Muscle Spindles & Golgi Organs of Extraocular Muscles of Goat", 2008 More

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