Efficacyof Combined Therapy Of Some Antibacterial And Anti- Inflammatory Drugs Against Some Gram Negative Bacteria In Experimental Models

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2009
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 79
BibID 10307315
Keywords : Veterinary pharmacology    
Drug interaction presents an increasing hazard in modern therapy. It is becoming apparent that a large number of drugs interact. Interactions between drugs occurring in vivo may result in a planned beneficial effect, but not infrequently such interaction This study aims to show the effect of combined therapy of antibiotics and the commonly used NSAIDS during the treatment of infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria E.coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium.Isolated strains of E.coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium were used. The used antibiotics were Ciprofloxacin and Gentamicin while Ketoprofen and Diclofenac potassium were the used analgesics.In vitro sensitivity test had been done to show the most effective antibiotics against the isolated strains of E.coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhimurium and it showed that these isolated strains are highly sensitive towards Ciprofloxacin