Some biochemical studies on blood constituents in hepatocellular carcinoma

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2008
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 89
BibID 10180226
Keywords : vrterinary clincal chamistry    
This study demonstrates that AFP found to be very highly significant increased in groupII (IIA and IIB) than in groupIII so, we can use it in prediction of HCC instead of biopsy as it is simple, safe, rapid, sensitive and cheep.AFP is suitable for follow up of hepatitis and schistosomiasis patients instead of ALT and AST to give a red light in early detection of HCC which may be reduce its fatal incidence.HCV is a major risk factor for HCC which is represents 92% in groupII and 90% in groupIII, while 36% were found as Schistosomiasis infected in groupII and 28.5% in groupIII, and 34% found as co-infection causes in groupII and 27.1% in groupIII and HBV ant