Some biochemical studies on immune substances in camels

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2008
Type of Publication: Theses Pages:
BibID 10092854
Keywords : vrterinary clincal chamistry    
The present work aimed at studying the biochemical and molecular characteristic of camel immunoglobulins through the following objectivesa) General objectives:Studying immunochemical properties of camel immunoglobulins in order to evaluate its potential in chemotherapy using competitive ELISA technique.b) Specific objective:- Isolation, purification and further molecular characterization of purified camel immunoglobulins using native, SDS PAGE and linear immunoelectrophoresis.- Determination of the amino acid composition of purified immunoglobulins.- studying both neutralization capacity and the stability of camel immunoglobulin subclasses under extreme condition such as temperature and digestive enzymes. 