Qualification of some screening

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 144
BibID 11680784
Keywords : Milk    
Eighty random samples of cow were collected from different farms at Sharkia Govemorate, Egypt in sterile bottles and transferred to the laboratory in ice-box to maintain its chemical and microbiological status unchangeable. Each sample was mixedthoroughly before being divided into three parts. The first wasexamined for incidence of mastitis, the second for chemicalexamination, while the last one was used for bacteriologicalexamination.The SCC/ml. was studied and reveal that normal samplescontained less than 2x 105 SCC/ml., while the mastitic onescontained higher numbers of SCC exceeded 5 x l 06/ml. there was amarked increase in SCC in cow udder affected with subclinicalmastitis than that in normal milk.The results of CMT reveal that 30(37.5%) of the examinedcow milk samples were negative and 50(62.5%) were positive.The results of WST reveal that 31(38.8%) of the examinedcow milk samples were negative and 49(61.3 %) were positive.The chemical examination of chloride of normal and mastitiscow milk samples reveal that the mean values of chlorides% were(O.0980±0.00341 & 0.1546±0.00 170).Statistical analysis of cow milk samples show presence ofgreat significant variation in the parameters between normal andmastitis milk samples of mean value at (p<O.Ol) for chlorides% andSCC/m!. 