Pharmacological Studies on Garlic

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 155
BibID 11680176
Keywords : Veterinary Pharmacology    
The present work was performed to study the effect of fresh garlic on blood haematology and biochemistry of healthy and E.coil infected chickens compared with enrofloxacin and correlate it with the histopathological changes in the different organs. Also tantibacterial food additive in chickens ration. The study included 8 groups each 20 chicks.Group 1: Non infected non treated (control).Group 2: Non infected treated with 5% fresh garlic (50 gm /kgration) for 5 successive days.Group 3: Non infected treated with enrofloxacin (1 Omg/kg.b.wt.) for 5 successive days.Group4: Non infected treated with garlic 5% and enrofloxacin(10mg/ kg.b.wt.) for 5 successive days.Group 5: Experimentally infected with Ecoli and non treated.Group 6: Experimentally infected with Ecoil and treated withgarlic 50/0 for 5 successive days.Group 7: Experimentally infected with Ecoil and treated withenrofolxacin (10mg/ kg.b.wt.) for 5 days. 