Clinical, biochemical and ultrasonographic studies on some urinary diseases in small ruminants

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2006
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 165
BibID 10249466
Keywords : Veterinary Clincal Biochenistry    
This study was carried on (128) Sheep and goat from differentplaces in Sharkia Governorate. These animals were mainly fed on concentrate mixture and grains. The studies were done on (6) male goat as experimental cases and (122) sheep and goat from both sex as field cases.The study was includedclinical examination,ultarasonography, clinical pathology (urine analysis, haematologicaland biochemical studies) and according to these studies, sheep andgoat under field investigations were classified into:(A) Field cases: Group I (control) included five sheep as three male and two female and five goats as three male and two female.Group II (complete obstruction) included thirty five sheep and goat as ten females, twenty five males. Group III (partial obstruction) it was included ten male sheep? goat and Group IV (cystitis) it was included fifteen animals which were female goat. Gro(B) which were suffered from urethral perforation after a history of no urination was ten male sheep). Group VI (ureperitoneum) which was also classified into two subgroups as subgroup (a):which had uropertionium but urinary bladder was intact. As urine l