Some Bacteriological Studies on klebsiella Species Infection In Neonatal Calves

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2006
Type of Publication: Theses Pages:
BibID 10289392
Keywords : veterinary microbiology    
Diarrhoea of young calves is the main cause of economic losses through poor growth and mortality Morbidity and mortality rates of neonatal calves with diarrhoea have been related to low post colostral immunoglobulin concentration as well as the disease isTherefore the aim of this work was planned to discuss the isolation and identification of the causative agent . Investigation of some virulence factors or characters associated with the isolated strains of Klebsiella . Use of ELISA for detection of immunoIn this work, the bacteriological examination of (470) diseased and dead calves was carried out, and the results showed that, (275) cases proved to be bacteriologically positive with a percentage of 58.5%.60 isolates of Klebsiella species were recovered from pneumonic , diarrhoeic ,pneumoenteric and dead calves .As 30 strains of K. oxytoca ,28 strains of K. pneumoniae and 2 strains of K. rhinoscleromatis . 