Some studies on rift valley fever in dakahlia and demiat governorate

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2004
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 126
BibID 10209019
Keywords : Rift Valley Fever    
As Rift Valley Fever disease is a new invader to Egypt (first epizootic was in 1997), this study was carried out to assess the situation of some epidemiological points related to that disease. Sera were collected from vaccinated as well as non-vaccinated extent the vaccination program covered these species in Dakahlia andDumiat Governorates. Other point of the study is to judge on the efficiency of the used vaccine to induce humeral immunity. These study also aimed to know more about the presence of the circulating virus in the field.Rodents and mosquitoes were collected for detection of viralantigen of RVF and antibodies from it’s tissues. We used agar gel diffusion test as a simple test can be done in the small laboratories and a qualified high sensitive ELISA technique to make an ion performance of vaccination program. There was a species difference between sheep, goats, cow and buffalo. In addition there was a seasonal variation in the response of the used vaccine within different species.The study showed that vaccination program buffalo with some variations according to different seasons of the year and each Governorates. 