Advanced Study On Infectious Bronchitis Of Chicken In Egypt

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 0
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 196
BibID 10133922
Keywords : poultry    
Infectious bronchitis (IB) is an acute, highly contagious, upper respiratory tract disease in chickens. Clinical signs include tracheal rales, nasal exudates, coughing, and sneezing. (Ahmed, 1954).Infectious Bronchitis Virus, one of the major viruses affecting poultry industry, causing DROP in egg production quality and quantity, in addition affect the performance of broilers and coplicate other diseases causing severe losses.The etiologic agent of IB is infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a member of the Coronaviridae family. The virion is enveloped with club-shaped surface projections. The viral genome is a single-stranded, positive sense, 27.5-kilobase RNA molecule. The geno