Clinicopathological studies on the effect of ribavirin as antiviral drug in rabbits

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2008
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 161
BibID 10154142
Keywords : Veterinary Drugs    
The present work was performed to study the effect of ribavirin,silymarin and their combination in the treatment of hepatic damage and fibrosis caused by Ccla.Moreover the side effects ofthese drugs were studied.This study was carried out on hundred male rabbits of (450-520gm body weight in average 485 gm and 35 days old ),which were divided into 8 groups(l-8).Groups(l-4) contained 10 rabbits in each group. Groups (5-8) contained 15 rabbits in each group. Rabbits in all groups were 35 days old.Gp.(l), rabbits were kept as ctube. Gp.(5), rabbits were orally given Cc14 (l.5ml/ kg B.wt. for oneweek followed by 0.75ml/kg B.wt. for another week) daily till occurring of liver damage after 2 weeks, using an esophageal tube. In gps.( 6,7 and 8) rabbits were given the same drugs as gps.(2,3 and 4) to treat liver damage. In all groups, blood samples wrabbits in each group.Two blood samples were collected from the marginal ear vein.The 1 st sample was five ml of blood without anticoagulant 