some anatomical studies on the arteries of the thoracic cavity of goat

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1987
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 131
BibID 10812833
Keywords : veterinary Anatomy    
The present investigation was carried out on twelve.goat of different ages and sexes. They were bled theninjected with 60% coloured gum milk (latex) through thecommon carotid artery and preserved in 10% formalin solution.The origin, course and distribution of thearterial blood vessels of the thoracic cavity of thesespecimens were diss~cted carefully and described i.ndetail.The results obtained were compared and discussed withthose of other domesticated animals.The results ofthep r e s e n’;investigationwereillustrated by two diagramatic figures and sixphotographic pictures.The nomenclature used were adpted after the NominaAnatomica Veterinaria (1973, 1983) and the availableliterature. 