some anatomical studies on the pharynx of the buffalo (bos bubalis L.)

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 1991
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 168
BibID 10348961
Keywords : buffaloes    
The present work was carried out on 23 heads of healthy buffalo of different ages and sexes. 19 heads wereused for topographical investigation and 4 heads for histological confirmation of some anatomical findingsFor topographicaldescription of thepurposes, pharyngeal cavity, tonsils, soft palate and the pharyngealand palatine muscles was performed.Also differentdimensions of the pharynx and soft palate at different levels were measuredThe arterial blood and nerve supply of the pharynxwere studied •by careful dissection. The origin, course anddistribution of the pharyngeal rami were described indetail.Photographs for the topographical anatomy of thepharynx and soft palate as well as the blood and nerve supply were plotted. 