Sanitary Studies on Fermented Milks Marketed At Zagazig Markets

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2007
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 123
BibID 10293845
Keywords : Veterinary Bacteriology    
Forty five random samples of plain yoghurt and 20 of each of fruityoghurt, natural fermented milk (laban raieb) and artificial fermented milk(packaged laban raieb) were collected from different localities in Sharkiagovernorate and examined for evaluation of sanitary, quality.1- It’s evident from the obtained results that the acidity% in plain yoghurt and fruit yoghurt was 0.86%, 0.93% respectively, while in case ofnatural and artificial fermented milks were 0.72% and 0.81 %.2- The obtained results revealed that the mean Coliform count/g IIIexamined yoghurt samples was 2.0xl04, 2.4xl04 for plain and fruityoghurt, respectively. While Coliform organisms in examined fermented milk recorded 7 .8xl 08 in natural fermented milk (laban raieb, but it can’t be detected in artificial one. The most prevalent coliform species isolated from examined yoghurt samples wespecies are Escherichia coli, Klebsiella planticola, Enterobacteraerogenes, Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii and Enterobacteragglomerans. 3- Concerning the staphylococci count the mean value in examined plain yoghurt and fruit . yoghurt was 1.18xl02, lxl02 respectively but in case 