Occurrence of Cryptococcus Species In Excreta of Pigeon and Pet Birds

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2004
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 75
BibID 10059475
Keywords : Veterinary Mycology    
Cryptococcus is saprophytic encapsulated yeast with world widedistribution in soil contaminated usually with avian excreta, mostlypigeon. It found in high numbers in pigeons due to the capable of thisyeast to utilize creatine nitrogen compound and live in high alkaline”high salt environment, pigeon it self not affected due to high body temperature of 42°C, yeast may live in pigeon excreta more than 2 years.Cryptococcus neoformans is the major pathogen of cryptococcus causing human and animal cryptococcosis. The clinical manifestation of the disease vary from a symptomatic pulmonary infection to fetal dissemination which characterized by meningitis. The presarea mainly pigeon and canaries. On the other hand to determine the characters, virulence ad pathogenicity of Cryptococcus neoformans. Concerning the pigeon DROPping samples examined, the result showed that out of 75 pigeon DROPpings samples 66 samples repositive result for yeast 88%.The isolated yeast revealed increase incidence of Candida species which reach 50.60/0 (38) identification of Candida revealed C. albicans (31) in 41.3%, while Candida kefyr 5.30/0 (4) and (3) Candida krusei in 40/0. 