Studies on Helicobacter pylori In Pet Animals

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2004
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 89
BibID 10059456
Keywords : Veterinary Bacteriology    
Diseases in both pet animals and human consider to be highly prevalence that may cause a hazard problem in both pet animals and human. Helicobacter pylori is consider to be one of gastrointestinal pathogen that may cause gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric uThis study was planed as an attempt to clarify the following points:1) Isolation and identification of Helicobacter pylori from both petanimals (dogs and cats) and some diseased cases from human.2) Biotyping of the obtained isolates from both human and pet animals for the determination of similarity between the obtained isolates.3) Performing of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) forserodiagnosis of such microorganism in both pet animals and human serum samples.The obtained data revealed that:1) Four isolates from feline were isolated from cases apparentlyhealthy and 17 isolates were isolated from diseased cases of felineincluded (2 persian, 5 Tonkinese, 2 Egyptian Mau, one Manx, 2 Tunkish Angora, 2 Lymric, 2 Birman, one Burmese) by total incidence 43.75%.2) For canine there are 6 isolates from dogs apparently healthy, beside20 isolates from diseased dogs suffering from inflammatory gastropathies, which included 5 isolated from Boxer, 2 isolated 