Behaviour and performance of dairy cows in relation to management

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 110
BibID 11750699
Keywords : Performance    
This study was carried out on private dairy farms at El. Ramses project at El salehia Elgedida.Sami Asaad dairy farm at Abu-Hammad city This work included five experiments: 1- First experiment: Studying the behaviour of dairy cowsunder two housing systems.The obtained results in this experiment indicated the following:1- The loose housed dairy cows spent more time (min.) andfrequency in eating, drinking and rumination than the tied dairycows (p~ 0.05).2- The loose housed dairy cows spent more time (min.) in urinationand defecation than tied dairy cows (p~ 0.05).3- There was a significant difference (p~ 0.05) in standing, lyingtime, frequency between loose housed dairy cows and the tethered one. As the loose dairy cows spent less time in these activities.4- There was a significant difference (p~ (’).05) in time, frequenciesof grooming and aggression between loose housed dairy cowsand tied dairy cows, as the loose housed dairy cows had moretime and frequencies in grooming behaviour and more time andfrequency in aggressive behaviour than tied one. 