Some Studies on Avian Influenza in Ducks

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 112
BibID 11750251
Keywords : Ducks    
In this investigation one hundred and thirty ducks of different breeds and age representing twenty- six flocks were subjected for examination Backyard ducks , were showed clinical fmding in the form of general signs and specific signs in the form of nervoaddition reduction of growth rate.Postmortem examination of both freshly dead and sacrificed ducks revealed gross lesion in the form of congestion of musculature subcutaneous tissue and all internal organs and brainSome examined ducks revealed blood clots of variable size inboth abdominal and thoracic cavities. Congestion and hemorrhageon the brain was a constant and prominent gross lesion in allexamined ducks. These gross lesions were variable in intensityaccordance to age and breeds of examined ducks.Primary viral isolation on commercial and SPF embryonated chicken eggs was revealed twenty-one AIV isolatesand confirmed with slide, HA plate test and rapid kits detection HA titer of all AIV isolates using plate HA test was ranged between 5 log2 and 8 log2.RR T -peR was carried for detection of H5 subtype to nine AIV isolates, selected in accordance of age, breed, and season of breeding. Eight AIV isolates were positive and one AIV isolate was negative. 