Occurrence Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria In Poultry Farms At Sharkia Governorate

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2013
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 162
BibID 11821916
Keywords : Veterinary Public Health    
75 poultry farms in Sharkia governorate were investigated during the period from December 2011 till September 2012 for determination of the prevalence of multidrug resistant bacteria (E.coli and Salmonella). The isolated E.coli and Salmonella were serotyp1- The prevalence of E.coli isolated from broiler farms was 85.9, 64 and 87.5% in litter, water and bird dropping samples, respectively while it was 81.8, 72.7 and 90.9 %, respectively in layer farms with a total percent of 79.1% in broiler and 81.8% in l2- Regarding, the prevalence of Salmonella in broiler farms it was 6.2, and 3.1% in litter and bird dropping samples, respectively while it was 18.1 and 9% in layer farms, respectively with a total percent of 3.1% and 9% in broiler and layer farms, respec3- Concerning, the serotypes of E. coli recovered from broiler and layer farms. It is clear that, the most predominant serotypes of E. coli from broiler farms were O125:K70 and O142:K86, O86:K71, O119:K69, O126:K71 O91: K-, O78:K80 O127:K63, O25:K11 and O