studies on some reproductive problems in bovine

Faculty Veterinary Medicine Year: 2005
Type of Publication: Theses Pages: 194
BibID 10308668
Keywords : Veterinary Obstetrics    
The present work was carried out on 58 lactating Holstein-Friesian cows aged 3-7 years old, in a large dairy herd, Alexandria – Copenhagen, company for milk and Beef production, at kilo 76, Alex.- Cairo desert road. They were kept under the same nutritionThe cows were classifies at parturition to 5 group:1- Group 1 (12 control – untreated), G2 (12 cows injected with oxytocin + Dextrose 25% + calcium); G3 (9 cows injected with oxytocin + Dextrose 25%); G4 (12 cows injected with oxytocin + calcium) and G5 (13 cows injected wit oxytocin where the treatment o2- The cows were subjected to clinical and gynaecological examination twice weekly after calving to follow up the time elapsed from calving to placental DROPping ovulation complete uterine involution, first bred and to conception.The productive performance and disorders, and the effect of some per parturient reproductive disorders on the postpartum reproductive performance was recorded. BCs of all animals was evaluated at calving and its effect on reproductive performance was repoThere blood samples were collected from each animal at 14, 21 and 42 days in milk from jugular vein in a vacutainer tubes. Serum progesterone, calcium and phosphorous was estimated for each blood sample and their level in each animals was determinated. Th